
new year post



2023 was not a good year globally but 31 was a pretty good one overall for me personally. highs and lows, but mostly highs!

to wit, 2023 had all of this in store for me:

  • spent an incredible month in japan with randi <3
  • finished a bunch of house projects [painted most rooms, plumbing re-piped, home theater system, re-arranged living room, patio furniture, garage re-org, …]
  • started a tradition for monthly family dinners to get us all together more
  • hosted christmas dinner for the fam for the first time
  • launched the medical bill rights sub-site for centers for medicare & medicaid services
  • hired as tech lead for a meaningful VA project
  • grandpa passed away after a long battle with dementia
  • traveled the most since covid lockdowns (spent time in japan, mexico, seattle, arizona, and indiana)

and a ton more i’m almost certainly forgetting here. but suffice to say, it was a very busy year! if i have my way, 2024 will be more of the same. (minus the month-long ramble across japan… if only)

here are some things i’d like to accomplish in 2024:

  • build a sauna in the backyard
  • tend to the plants better, both indoors & out.
  • eat more out of the garden
  • exercise more consistently
  • set a new personal best at dabney. current best is: -5 under, average round is between 0-2 over
  • post more things to this page & add some features
  • launch my current project at the VA to production
  • re-do the closets (3 bedrooms, 1 hallway, 1 electrical)

if i can get those things done i’ll probably feel 2024 is a good year for me too. if i can’t get those things done in the coming year, well, there’s always next year 😄

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